
08.03.2025 15:49:14 Uhr
17 Tage
Marlar and Shu Thu Zar
Hello, Marlar the Kolner zoo’s 19 Year Old female gave birth yesterday morning 7th March 2025. The father is Tarak. For Shu Thu Zar, a calf is expected at the end of the year 2025/early 2026

14.02.2025 19:53:06 Uhr
Über einem Monat
Baby elephant-Oregon Zoo
Evening! I’d like to mention that Rose-Tu’s baby daughter born 1st Feb is actually called Tula-Tu! There was a bit of confusion with her name with some people thinking it’s Valentina but the zoo confirmed it’s actually Tula-Tu. Her father Is Samson at Oregon.

29.12.2024 09:47:19 Uhr
3 Monate
Hi petra, Some sad new from dierenpark Amersfoort, Yesterday Yindi died. While playing her hind leg got stuck between a wall of tree trunks, in the outdoor enclosure. They have tried to release her leg with a temporary sedation. Unfortunately Yindi didn't wake up after it.

28.12.2024 17:08:00 Uhr
3 Monate
accidental death
Dear Petra, im sad to announce that today (28/12/2024) 'dierenpark amersfoort' in the netherlands has announced that Yindi has passed away. she got stuck in her enclosure and when they sedated her to free her, she never woke up.

26.11.2024 19:21:55 Uhr
4 Monate
Esha and Noorjahan-Blackpool
I mourn for Esha and Noorjahans calfs, Noorjahan gave birth in late September 2024 to a dead calf. It died in the womb. Esha had her calf on the 4th November 2024, she refused to let it suckle and it died of an infection just 3 days later (7th).

10.11.2024 18:25:04 Uhr
4 Monate
Hello, Anjalee the female Asian elephant at Taronga Western Plains zoo is pregnant, father is Gung and is due late 2025. Also, African elephants Luna and Kianga are pregnant and due sometime 2025 (Disney Animal Kingdom).

29.08.2024 18:48:24 Uhr
7 Monate
Exciting news! (Finally)
Two Columbus elephants are expecting calfs! Sunny and Phoebe are due in the summer (Sunny) and the fall (Phoebe) of 2025! The father is Sabu (Cincinnati Bull).

24.08.2024 23:28:51 Uhr
7 Monate
Riva Hi Way
4 year old Riva Hi Way at Chester Zoo has unfortunately passed away earlier this week, she died under general anaesthetic after something unusual came up in one of her blood tests. We are currently awaiting for Chester’s public post regarding her death.

17.08.2024 13:29:09 Uhr
7 Monate
African Elephants
Hi! Pleased to announce to you that Fresno Chaffee zoo welcomed a male calf on the 16/08/2024 to mother Nolwazi. The father is Mabu. I also wanted to say that I realised that Meru the female African elephant baby born at the Reid park zoo in March 2024 doesn’t have a confirmed father (It’s Mabu).

23.07.2024 12:38:52 Uhr
8 Monate
Sundara Hi Way (Chester Zoo)
I am devastated to Inform you that 20 year old Sundara Hi Way has passed away, Her cause of death was twisted intestines, It Is extremely more upsetting due to Sundara being around 12 months Pregnant. She died on the 19th July 2024.

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